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The Trevor Henderson Wiki focuses on gathering information about cryptids created by Trevor Henderson. Our goal is to collaborate with other fans in order to build a reliable, accurate resource with as much detailed information as possible about cryptids. All are welcome to join in and contribute here, so long as edits are constructive, reasonable and valid, discussions are positive, and both are relevant to Trevor Henderson. Before editing on our wiki, please take your time and read the rules. Thank you for visiting our site, we hope you come back soon.
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We are currently housing 418 articles, 9,032 files, and 31 active users. We need YOU to help us expand and add articles to this wiki! For starters, please sign up to create a FREE personal account, or log in if you already have one, and review our editing rules.
If you're new to Wikia, please use the above links to get started. If you're looking to help with cleanup, you can start here: Check out the community portal to see what the community is working on, to give feedback, or just to say hi. |
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Before editing on this wiki, please take your time and read the rules of this wiki.
DO NOT ADD NON-RELATED CONTENT - As the title say, this wiki is only for Trevor Henderson's work. Please do not add characters from other media such as creepypasta, SCP-Foundation or anything else. Real life people which aren't related to Henderson are also not allowed on this wiki. Please keep the wiki only centered on Henderson and the cryptids made by him. NO TROLLING - Please when editing, make your edits useful and approachable. Do not vandalize pages or troll here. This is a wiki based on gathering informations about the subject, not to joke around and make a mess out of this wiki. If you are here to troll and create trouble, this is not the place for you. NO SOCK-PUPPETS - We do not accept double account. You have a account, use it properly. If you get banned, dont come back with another account and edit again, wait until the ban is finished. The ban obviously depends on the reasoning of it, and you can always discuss the ban with one of the staff members of this wiki. Further more, read on our Rules page. |
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