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Trevor Henderson Wiki
Trevor Henderson Wiki
Scout Leader Ben had said we’d be back to the bus by nightfall, but that’d been 45 minutes ago, and he looked worried. I could tell he was trying not to let it show. The woods looked a lot stranger after dark, and the sound of owls in the trees seemed to be getting louder. Scout Master Ben is trying to get the engine to turn over, and we can hear thumps hitting the rough ground as the owls land and strut over the metal. They're whispering for us to open the doors now.
~ The caption on the original post.

Template:Cryptid Infobox 4.0.2The Smiling Owls', also known as The Owl-Things, are abnormal, predatory entities created by Trevor Henderson.


Due to how generally simplistic the design is, there is not much to say about The Smiling Owls' physical description, aside from the fact they strongly resemble regular owls, although possessing a horrific smile carved on their face, replacing their facial features. Their smile is oddly human, containing crooked, white teeth whose number on one jaw is seemingly not comparable to that on the other. The Smiling Owls' feathers vary in color, be it pale, pastel shades of teal, blue, or in one case, light brown.


The Smiling Owls' are a peculiar species of invasive fauna[1] with undisclosed origins. How common they are is as of yet unknown. These abnormal predators are carnivorous, cunning hunters, as they are known to work together in order to take down larger prey, mostly human prey[2]. They are known to be avid in luring and isolating trespassers or wanderers, especially hikers, and when the time is most adequate, they attack prey, eating them up in a manner akin to that of piranhas.[1]

Their first appearance is paired with a noteworthy, short but interesting narrative that tells us a lot about their hunting method. The caption is from the perspective of a scout, whose team was meant to come back to the bus by nightfall, but had stayed in the woods long after said time due to them getting lost, presumably as a result of being lured in by The Smiling Owls'. Despite his attempts to hide it, the leader looked worried. Narrator claims that the woods "looked a lot stranger after dark" as the sound of The Smiling Owls' resonated louder in the trees.

It is unknown how the team managed to escape, but a continuation of the caption was provided by Henderson in the post's replies, noting that the leader was trying to get the bus' engine to turn over, but to no avail, as The Smiling Owls' were landing on the roof and strutting over the metal, whispering for them to open the doors.

The Smiling Owls' have a special skill they are exceptionally adept at, which is mimicry, precisely audio mimicry. They learn and copy snippets of words and phrases spoken by their previous victims to use as bait later, albeit flawed[3], but still effective in luring prey making them lose track of their destination, eventually being forced to surrender to The Owl-Things' vicious and brutal attack[2]. It is unclear if these beings hunt for sustenance, or simply because they enjoy it.



  • Although fairly recent, The Smiling Owls gained a good amount of positive attention among fans and other horror artists, making these entities eventually have a spot in the lore thread documenting Trevor's creatures.
  • They, along with a vast collection of other creatures, are on the "RUN" row in Trevor Henderson's hostility tier list.
  • Their audio mimicry skills, luring skills and the fact that they are cunning hunters of men make them very similar to the infamous Siren Head.
