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Trevor Henderson Wiki
Trevor Henderson Wiki
07/27/06 - Two teenagers go missing after breaking into the “Neb’s Fun World” bowling in Oshawa, Ontario. A friend finds a cell phone while looking for them and turns it into the police after finding this photo. Upon investigation, “The Smile Room” is not a part of the building.
~ The caption on the original image of The Smile Room

The Smile Room is a dangerous and unnerving creature created by Trevor Henderson.

Template:Cryptid Infobox 4.0.2


The Smile Room manifests as two horrifyingly large rows of giant, unclean and crooked teeth roughly affixed to dark-red gums covered in a smooth, clear material not unlike saliva. An illustration of the cryptid shows that it can develop small strands, like appendages protruding from the gums of the creature, to make itself more prehensile in some cases where the space it occupies can not support it.

Due to The Smile Room's ability to occupy any abandoned room/space, the exact height (and furthermore, weight) of the cryptid cannot be pinpointed. It has been confirmed that The Smile Room is a sort of wormhole from our universe to the mouth of some unfathomably large sleeping, nigh-dead entity. The entity in question has not been described physically nor hinted at in appearance, aside from size.


The Smile Room is something very grotesque and considerably cosmic, it's a man-eating wormhole between our universe and the mouth of a giant almost deceased eldritch abomination likely from another reality[1]. Any empty and neglected room or space can become a Smile Room at its will, and once anyone is drawn in, they are decimated, akin to a Black Hole[1]. If every attempt at catching its desired prey fails, however, it's able to create ambulatory, parasitic hosts at will.[1]

While the exact behavior of these hosts is unknown, Word of God states that they can infect humans, causing them to transform into other ambulatory Smile Room Hosts. The mystery of The Smile Room in-universe has been going around since 2006, more or less. On July 27th, 2006, in Oshawa, Ontario[2], two teenagers go missing after breaking into the bowling in "Neb's Fun World". A friend of theirs who was apparently concerned and went to look for them found a cell phone while searching for them that contained the infamous picture of The Smile Room. The concerned friend turns it into the police after discovering the photo. However, upon police investigation, The Smile Room was found to not be a part of the building. This indicates that once The Smile Room finishes its hunting in a certain space, it vanishes, moving on to the next, possibly moving to different feeding grounds perpetually.

Albeit not fully emphasized or explained in any way, The Smile Room seems to prefer preying on teenagers mostly, however, this is not confirmed, as it may just be Trevor employing a "Teenagers are Victims" trope in some way. The reason of this speculation is because on the second recorded sighting of The Smile Room, on an unknown date[3], the police collected and gathered a cell phone containing an image of The Smile Room due to its connection to the case of a missing teenager, likely devoured by The Smile Room. The caption states that this has been kept from the media, presumably not to spread panic, and furthermore misinformation about the case, but the recovered items from scene were found to be stained in a "clear, organic material not unlike saliva", likely traces left by The Smile Room.

The Smile Room, or rather the behemoth behind it, as aforementioned, is nigh-dead. When a user on Twitter asked about the reason why it's close to death, and why it didn't just finish the job, Trevor's response[4] was that it was because of entropy[5], and that the reason why it didn't die yet is because it's persistent. It is unknown what the cause of this entropy is, and how it persists against death. (although the latter could be explained by its predatory instincts towards humans)


Other than The Smile Room's evident ability to manifest on any room or space that has been neglected, which also presumably grants it an advantage of adjusting its size and characteristics to adapt to it, as previously mentioned, The Smile Room is able to create parasitic hosts that can infect people, corrupting them, and making them become one of their kind as a last resort. The Smile Room's Wormhole Mimicry also grants it several advantages in terms of power, as well as its ability to decimate any being that goes inside it, like a Wormhole.



  • Although this could simply be a joke, Trevor stated[6] that The Smile Room and The Craigslist Monster get together once a month to catch up. This may indicate that they are allies with each other.
  • On CuriousCat, Trevor describes the Smile Room as "supernatural, ambulatory organism that can "become" any room at will, as long as it has walls to support it and an aperture for it's mouth."

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