The Slashers are a set of disturbing characters created by horror artist Trevor Henderson. As the name would suggest, these characters are meant to fill the role of the villain of hypothetical Slasher film. As such, they also share many similarities to existing Slasher villains or have many of the same tropes as the usual Slasher villain. Another thing to note is that none of them have any connections to each other, and are only grouped together because of their nature.
“ | They are a student fencing champion who was sabotaged by a rival team and left for dead. They’re dead-set on getting revenge. They’re too angry to die. | „ |
~ Trevor Henderson, describing The Fencer |
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The Fencer, also known as just “Fencer” depicts a disfigured human-like figure adorned in standard fencing uniform. As typical with fencing uniform, the suit is white, and covers the entire body except for the face, which is instead covered by a thin metal mask with many holes to make it see-through.
His gauntlets are white, and it is safe to assume that the protective gear inside the suit is also white. The entire uniform is also coated in fresh and dry blood, the arrangement, state, and quantity of which varies vastly from image-to-image. The Fencer is always seen wielding a fencing sword on his right hand, most commonly a Foil, though he sometimes changes to other types like an Epee, Sabre, or Rapier. He has even been seen using a dagger at on point.
The Fencer himself appears to be a regular person at first glance, as most of his body is hidden by the suit, except for the head. This head is extremely deformed, to the point of being unrecognizable as a human. It has no skin, leaving nothing but red muscles and tissue exposed. It also lacks a nose, lips, or eyelids. Due to this, his nostril, large eyes, and teeth are always visible. And due to the face being somewhat sunken into the back of the hood, it is frequently difficult to see properly due to the shadows.
It is completely unknown what the rest of his body may look like under the suit, although due to his origins, there is an argument to be made about it being the same as his face, being skinned and heavily disfigured, possibly even more so. Although we do know that it still has a human-like shape because it is able to fill most of the suit and the gloves.
Trevor has given us a surprising amount of information about The Fencer’s origins, at least, compared to the other slashers. He is said to have actually been a human at one point, but unlike other Cryptids who used to be human, Fencer did not undergo any sort of major transformation, nor did he become a ghost.
Instead, Fencer was a student fencing champion that was extremely skilled in the sport. During one particularly intense match, he had suffered a fatal injury; a wealthy rival team had sabotaged him, presumably out of jealousy of his skills and position as a champion. It is assumed that they had actually used a real sword during their match, injuring him. While he was injured, they left him for dead and hid him in a place where people wouldn’t find be able to find his body. They then started a fire that was staged to look like an accident, where he burnt painfully, leading to his grotesque appearance.
However, despite his fatal injury and scorching burns, Fencer refused to die. During the fire, he eventually got up as if he was never injured and then ran off, looking for the people who sabotaged him, and killing anyone who gets in his way.
Due to his wrongful “death” as a normal human, Fencer became an extremely vengeful and aggressive creature. He is said to be constantly looking for the people who had sabotaged him and will only stop until they are dead. Because of this, one might think that they are not aggressive to other people besides his saboteurs, but Trevor stated that he is blinded by rage and mistakes that anyone he comes across is one of the people who wronged him. This means that nobody is actually truly safe from being targeted by The Fencer when they encounter him. He is also not able to be persuaded about this either.
Based on another comment from Trevor, Fencer is also known to be very violent with his killings, as he prefers to prolong the suffering of his victims. He also likes to invoke fear into them before striking, as he has been seen stalking his soon-to-be victims for anywhere between a few hours or even days. When finally he does attack, he usually does it in unexpectedly, and in somewhat public spaces as well, to make the victim even more afraid. Whenever Fencer targets someone, he usually will not leave them alone until they are dead or manage to quickly escape.
His unparalleled vengefulness and anger lead him to be one of the more harrowing creatures to encounter, as he purposefully makes your death slow, painful, and terrifying. He will typically start by stabbing the victim multiple times in non-vital areas like the arms or legs, slowly following them around as they limp away. It is only when he decides that they have had enough that he will fatally stab them. But while his methods and strategy are brutal, Trevor has said that he fights with some semblance of "sportsman-like conduct", which likely means that he gives his victims a chance to escape or fight back if they catch onto him early enough, though few still survive even with this advantage.
Fencer's main and most powerful ability is his virtual immortality. Brought to life by his anger and vengeance, Fencer is physically unable to die, or be effectively harmed by any conventional means. Everyone who has fought back against him have failed to damage him a meaningful amount, even using guns or swords. The actual factor that causes this immortality is unknown, though it is suspected to be a combination of two things: extreme regeneration, and unbreakable armor. This is assumed because despite the fact that Fencer has been burnt to a crisp, we can see that he is still able to produce copious amounts of blood and does not decompose, meaning that his cells still have the ability to regenerate, and rapidly at that. Secondly, fencing armor is extremely tough, being made of thick and sometimes even bulletproof materials. This could mean that his supernatural anger may have also affected his already-tough armor to be unbreakable.
Another inherently supernatural power of his is the ability to completely "renew" his equipment at any time. All of the different sightings and drawings of him depict him with varying stains of blood, some dry, some fresh, some have more or less than the others, etc. He also seems to be able to manifest any weapon that is primarily used for thrusting stabs, like fencing swords or daggers. It is unknown how he does this and where he gets these weapons from.
His final ability is his human-like physique and intelligence. Despite being nearly killed and being blinded with rage, Fencer still retains some of his humanity in the form of his intelligence. Of course, he uses this intelligence to kill, as he is able to carefully plan his constant stalking, and attacking of people. He is also seemingly able to understand human speech and emotion, but still cannot be reasoned with due to his vengeance. His intelligence is mostly displayed in his strangely elegant movements and proficiency when using his weapons, a trait carried over from his past life, and has possibly been amplified during his transition into a supernatural zombie.
~ Trevor introducing the creature, along with another Slasher. |
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Pumpkin depicts a short and pudgy person with sickly pale skin and a slightly deformed physique. He appears to be wearing a stereotypical farmer’s outfit, with the exception of his signature pumpkin mask.
He sports a large grey long-sleeved shirt with a plaid pattern, underneath dark bluish-purple overalls with a single pocket large on the front. Although the lower half of his body has never been shown, it is fairly safe to assume that he also wears pants and shoes, based on his overall style.
The Pumpkin himself seems to be a normal human, if not suffering from some physical deformities. Despite being shorter than average and a bit plump, he is surprisingly bulky in nature, with large arms and broad shoulders. He also seems to have poor posture, as he always seems to be slightly hunched-over. His head region appears to be the most deformed part of him, as he lacks a visible neck and the head itself has an odd shape to it. He also only possesses a few strands of hair remaining. It is unknown what his face may look like under his mask.
His signature mask is an orange centerpiece, seemingly carved out of an unknown material. It is very roughly made, which likely means that it was not bought or manufactured, and instead homemade. It has hollow facial features consisting of two sad-looking eyes, small nostrils, and a sloppily carved-out mouth. It is attached to his face very tightly via small wires, and looks like it has not been taken off in a long time.
Very little is known about the origins of Pumpkin, however, there are some tidbits of information that imply that he is a normal human being, but is also a known serial killer. He is implied to live on his family farm near or around the woods, which he holds very dearly. He was likely born into a family with violent and strange behavior, and a history of physical deformities, which would explain his appearance and dangerous behavior. His family seems to pressure him into be overprotective of the farm.
Unlike the other Slashers, Pumpkin is a relatively passive individual, and does not actively seek out people to attack. Instead, he only seems to attack and kill people who enter his farm, due to believing that they are a threat. The misguidance of his family and delusions of threat have most likely made him view murdering people as a normal way of dealing with people he is unfamiliar with. More often than not, these people he views as threats are killed using axes and logging saws.
He is generally more benevolent than the other Slashers, but still has violent and murderous tendencies and should not be interacted with. For example, he also does not seek to inflict as much pain as possible to his victims, instead only doing enough to end the victim. He also does not seem hold grudges or seek out the victim if they manage to escape.
It may be possible to convince him not to kill you if you say the right words and make him realize that you are not a threat to him, as it is implied that he has a softer side to him, who wants to have friends. Of course, he prioritizes his duty to protect the farm over this.
Being a normal human with no supernatural properties, Pumpkin does not have many special abilities that would make him too dangerous for an average person to deal with. While he does have a bulky physique, his small stature and rotund body makes him easy to overpower. He also does not seem to be too intelligent.
If one plans on surviving an encounter with Pumpkin, they should be prepared to encounter his family as well, since he will probably call upon them if he is not able to deal with you himself.
“ | An awful bastard man who likes stabbing. Terrible | „ |
~ Trevor Henderson on Twitter |
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Rowdy is a "slasher" who kills people in New York subways during the night. He is quoted to be an awful vicious bastard serial killer and a psychopath, and his true name isn't revealed.
- Fencer In the original image has a wobbly face as an optical illusion when the picture moves.
- The Fencer could have possibly been inspired by "Flashing Blades", a film written by Dario Simonetti, as the film also features a murderous fencer, similar to this character.
- He is one of the more intelligent creatures that Trevor has made, although he is still inhibited by his anger.
- Strangely enough, Fencer is listed as canon in the Canon Creatures List, but the rest of the slashers are not.
- Trevor stated that he fights like Red from the movie "Us".
- Rowdy weapon is rope and hunting knife.
- Stated to have normal human strength.
- Most likely to be fan of Logan Paul
List is in Alphabetical Order. Characters colored Gold are Popular Characters. More will be added to the list soon. | |
A - D |
• Anxious Dogs • Avian Giant • Baby Bird • Bellringer • Big Charlie • Body Worm • Bonesworth • Breaking News • Bridge Worm • Cartoon Cat • Chicken Ghost • Corpse Abomination • Craigslist Monster (Craigsmeat) |
E - H | Fencer • Four More Found-Footage Creatures • Fun for All • Giant Puppeteer • God Of Roadkill • Hokkaido Hands |
I - L | Laundry man.jpg • Leviathan • Lil’ Nugget • Long Horse |
M - P | Misty Guests 1-3 • Morning Walkers • Mr. Bag • Mushroom Crab • Numbered Humanoids • One Thing, But with Many Voices • Precursor of the First War |
Q - S | Quarantined Family • Remain Indoors • Scissors • Sensory Processes • Siren Head • Storm Cloud Creature • Storm Warning Entity |
T | Tendril Giant • The Angel • The Bird Watcher • The Dove • The Fetid King • The Garbager • The Giant with Red Dots • The God of Birds • The Lamb • The Man In The Red Room • The Man With The Upside-Down Face • The Marionette • The Misty Giant • The Needle • The Nervous Houseguest • The Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening Blade • The Skunk Queen • The Smile Room • The Stranger • The Tall Visitors • The Wandering Doom • The Wandering Faith • The Woman on The Bus • Three Red Strings • Tree Head |
V - Y | Watchtower • Wildfire Giants 1-8 • Your Friend |
#'s |