Trevor Henderson Wiki

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Trevor Henderson Wiki
Trevor Henderson Wiki

"This is an evil place. Run away while you still can."
~ Trevor on his post
Little drawing of the best ghoul.
~ Trevor Henderson on Instagram

The Pale Lady is a creature drawn by Trevor Henderson.


The Pale Lady is a large woman with small black eyes and a huge mouth. She also has a dress that seems to blend with her skin.


The Pale Lady seems to enjoy taunting her victims by locking them in places such as merging hallways. and moves towards them very slowly, apparently to increase the fear of its victims. when she grabs onto her target, she will begin to hug them and pull them into her flesh before disappearing.


The Pale Lady has the ability to teleport by getting up off the ground (we're not sure how her teleportation works, it's just a guess.) She also has the ability to absorb others into her body. We don't know if it teleports the victim to another plane of existence or simply kills them. She is also supposed to be able to teleport; The target is trapped where several hallways meet, and every time the character attempts to run down the hallway, a copy of The Pale Lady moves toward them. We don't know if she's teleporting or she could just be duplicating herself.





List is in Alphabetical Order. Characters colored Gold are Popular Characters. More will be added to the list soon.

A - D

Anxious DogsAvian GiantBaby BirdBellringerBig CharlieBody WormBonesworthBreaking NewsBridge WormCartoon CatChicken GhostCorpse AbominationCraigslist Monster (Craigsmeat)

E - H FencerFour More Found-Footage CreaturesFun for AllGiant PuppeteerGod Of RoadkillHokkaido Hands
I - L Laundry man.jpgLeviathanLil’ NuggetLong Horse
M - P Misty Guests 1-3Morning WalkersMr. BagMushroom CrabNumbered HumanoidsOne Thing, But with Many VoicesPrecursor of the First War
Q - S Quarantined FamilyRemain IndoorsScissorsSensory ProcessesSiren HeadStorm Cloud CreatureStorm Warning Entity
T Tendril GiantThe AngelThe Bird WatcherThe DoveThe Fetid KingThe GarbagerThe Giant with Red DotsThe God of BirdsThe LambThe Man In The Red RoomThe Man With The Upside-Down FaceThe MarionetteThe Misty GiantThe NeedleThe Nervous HouseguestThe Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening BladeThe Skunk QueenThe Smile RoomThe StrangerThe Tall VisitorsThe Wandering DoomThe Wandering FaithThe Woman on The BusThree Red StringsTree Head
V - Y WatchtowerWildfire Giants 1-8Your Friend