The Root Figures are a cryptid created by Horror Artist Trevor Henderson. (WARNING!!! No wiki has properly documented this creature, this is mostly speculation!)
The Root Figures are somewhat gatsly entitys, similar to It Followed You Home, they have a humanoid body shape, they unusally thin and have rams with small prutrusions, ressembling roots, hence the name. The root figures seem to only possese two digits on arms and legs. The head vaugly ressembles a human's, with "holes?" where the eyes and mouythy should be, they have no visible ears. They seem to reside underground and in abandonend buildings.
No obvious abilities can be inferred by the creature, except of course thier ability to move thier head 360 degrees, similar to an owl, as the front Root Figure has its head turend upside down.
The Root Figures may have originated from chemical waste, growing into mutant beasts. Thye may have mutated into sentient species, these toxins would have to be a product of radiation or something similar.