Trevor Henderson Wiki

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Trevor Henderson Wiki
Cryptid Overview
Some sketches of my version of Godzilla.
~ Trevor Henderson

An artwork of Toho's "Godzilla" done by Trevor Henderson. Dubiously cannon within the mythos.








Trevor's Godzilla[]

Godzilla Is A Creature but Redrawed By Trevor Henderson







Screenshot 20250118-130738
List of All Trevor Henderson creatures in this wiki boi some creatures that are moved names to the wanted Pages and if pages were deleted by a user then they will go to the wanted Pages side, click to see all of trevor Henderson creatures
Trevor Henderson This Time The Window Was Open So Where's Bus Yelling Buddy The Little Crowd Bad Things Coming Minecraft Creeper Floating The Thing In A Commercial The Living Snowman Car Monster Observer From The Old Roads The Meatball Meat Giant Forest Ghost Living In A Wooden House Blue Spider Fusspot Chattering Teeth The Bone Turner Baby bird Yoyo Decoy For Humans Dark Face Friend From Void Plains The Nervous Houseguest Siren Head Cartoon Cat Missing Facial Features Cartoon Dog Long Horse Camera Feed It Followed You Home Red Witch Empty Wasp Nests Extra Slide Wandering Pile of Meat Alleyway Drifter Whistle Blower Weird Girl Watchtower Godzilla The Rat King Always be drawing skulls Anxious Dogs Milkwalker ambassador A Lonely Creature The World Eater Window Bug Gorefield The Sacrifice The Window Big Charlie Ms. Humble Thanks For Following That Isn't The Moon Fan-Art The Dove The Bloody Bird The Lion Under The Surface Among the tall grass The Face In The Bushes The Angel ??? Nugget Dark Ivy Night Creature Noises From The Downstairs Apartment Humanoid Spider Peeping tom Bellringer Bridal Maggot Hello, Friend Wired Bodies Neighbourhood Intruder Creature Near The River Hand In The Mouth Have You Seen Him? ➡️PLAY The Deadly Spawn Blood, Dark, Ice, Shadow and Wood Siren Head
Wanted Pages Missing Pages And Deleted Pages Open The Window Spooky scary skeleton The FlyIng Head Wounded Man Last Summer Linda Fun For All The Going-Away Party The Giants The Dog Monster There’s Something In This Place The Veins The Living Hive The Long Hallway ERROR Killer Survival Horror Games Zombie Ghost They Feed On Fear The Smile Room Host Ghost Body Worm The Slow Turn The Thing At The Bottom of The Stairs I Can See You Can You See Me? Still forming Your eyes passed over it first You Have Died You And Your Friends Are Dead Wrong Way Lil' Nugget Wasp Nest Nightmare Fuel Decoy for Humans Night Dog Star Gazer Sun Gazer Sleepwalker Human Spider RUN Root Figures The Zombie Sewer Meat Poop The Titans The Centipede A Strange Dream A Spectral Haunt A Piece of Slime Doorman Humanoid Snails Nadelman's God Giant Alley Crab Disguse Slime Trail Up The Basement Stairs
Fanmade Creatures And OC Hush Cartoon Mouse Banana Eater Red Giant Vengeance of The Forgotten Gods Deer Giant The World Eater Meat Ghost Dieid Mantas Aircraft Sharks A Road Trip I'll Never Forget Cartoon Shin Demon The Moon Roamer Strom Manta God of train The Root (Parking lot) The Imposter
Trevor Creatures

List is in Alphabetical Order. Characters colored Gold are Popular Characters. More will be added to the list soon.

A - D

Anxious DogsAvian GiantBaby BirdBellringerBig CharlieBody WormBonesworthBreaking NewsBridge WormCartoon CatChicken GhostCorpse AbominationCraigslist Monster (Craigsmeat)

E - H FencerFour More Found-Footage CreaturesFun for AllGiant PuppeteerGod Of RoadkillHokkaido Hands
I - L Laundry man.jpgLeviathanLil’ NuggetLong Horse
M - P Misty Guests 1-3Morning WalkersMr. BagMushroom CrabNumbered HumanoidsOne Thing, But with Many VoicesPrecursor of the First War
Q - S Quarantined FamilyRemain IndoorsScissorsSensory ProcessesSiren HeadStorm Cloud CreatureStorm Warning Entity
T Tendril GiantThe AngelThe Bird WatcherThe DoveThe Fetid KingThe GarbagerThe Giant with Red DotsThe God of BirdsThe LambThe Man In The Red RoomThe Man With The Upside-Down FaceThe MarionetteThe Misty GiantThe NeedleThe Nervous HouseguestThe Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening BladeThe Skunk QueenThe Smile RoomThe StrangerThe Tall VisitorsThe Wandering DoomThe Wandering FaithThe Woman on The BusThree Red StringsTree Head
V - Y WatchtowerWildfire Giants 1-8Your Friend

This is a secondary Navbox for Trevor Henderson's creations that only includes creatures who are members of The Giants
Popular Giants are listed in italics


Avian GiantBehemothBody WormBreaking NewsFire GiantGiant PuppeteerLeviathanMisty Guests 1-3Misty Storm WanderersMorning WalkersMushrooom CrabPasserby At NightPhasing GiantPrecursor of the First WarRemain IndoorsSky Screamer / 20th Century BoySky TentaclesSlid Down The CloudsStorm Cloud CreatureSuburbs At DuskTendril GiantThat BatThe Bird WatcherThe Giant with Red DotsThe Misty GiantThe OverlookerThe Roving MoonThe Tall VisitorsThe Wandering DoomThe Wandering FaithTree HeadWildfire Giants 1-8


This is another Navbox for creations that only includes creations that are made by other people. Keep in mind that most of these creatures are made by other people and don´t think that these are made by Trevor. (This is a W.I.P.)

Popular creatures are colored Gold, list is in Alphabetical Order.


Banana EaterCartoon MouseHouse HeadHush (OC)Jelly Mouth (Original) The Impostor Living BuildingThe Eel (Giant/Titan/Colossal)Are you sure this thing is blind?AxølotlThe Root (Parking Lot)Aircraft SharkFloating megalodonThe Endless HungerSkull Strider'sThe Head StingerSiren CreaturesCartoon RatManta'sPlanet walkerThe CataractParking lotTrain Eater AKA MoutunnelThe End of Existence.The Dark Core (Chimney Head, Radioactive Giant)Jumenta voadoraStorm mantaBonmeatWormanoid Country Giant That's No Moon That's No Sun

The List Of All Reddit creatures created by people but sometimes they can be created by Trevor Henderson but trevor did not create then.
Reddit Creatures Hope You Like Pineapples The Last Jötunn Imposter " d u c c " The Train Eater The Snowman Coming to new york Lil Nugget Redraw The Smile Room Redraw THE ONE AND ONLY CARTOON CAT!!!