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Trevor Henderson Wiki
Trevor Henderson Wiki
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Things had been strange since they moved in. Every carton of eggs they brought in ended up being rotten. He’d even cracked one with a chicken fetus still inside. Birds had been flying into the windows, And he’d been waking up with little wounds on his body…Like chicken pecks.

The Chicken Ghost, also known as the God Of Chickens, Ghost Chicken or Chicken Man, is a minor deity who is a chicken. Although he is creepy, he is stated to be Chaotically Good and rarely attacks as he may just be protecting the chickens.


The Chicken Ghost is a tall, skeletal, humanoid chicken, with pearly white skin. He has huge, bulging red eyes with small black pupils that are intended to make him look like a humanoid chicken fetus, and a sharp, curved beak. His hands and feet all resemble chicken feet, with 3 skeletal fingers and a thumb on each hand. In his Patron Saint drawing, he has a white, glowing, pearl-like orb in his chest that floats in place, which may represent a chicken egg. In one of the drawings, he is shown to have short, branching protrusions bristling like thorns from his back.

Behavior and Origins[]

The surefire way to know if Chicken Ghost is around is to have a chicken farm, since all the chickens chirp loudly at the same time when he is present. They clearly pay tribute to him, and the same thing happens with roosters and hens, they crow in groups when this mysterious being makes an appearance. In the same way as The Angel, there is only one Chicken Ghost, but despite that, the enigmatic being has been documented on multiple occasions. Like any bird, Chicken Ghost feeds on seeds, rice, alfalfa, wheat, oats, sunflower seeds and some insects such as ants and worms, However, since he is not completely avian, it is rumored that he can also be fed things that humans eat without any problem.

But... where exactly does Chicken Ghost come from? There are different theories, but one of them is that he is an entity that was created thanks to the increase in chicken consumption in our world, a being that seeks the liberation of the species, or even a revolution. A plan crazy enough to turn the entire oviparous species against us. Of course, if you live in a city, you're not at all likely to see Chicken Ghost. However, things change if you decide to visit a farm or rural town, then you should be afraid, especially if you are surrounded by chickens, hens or roosters. You never know when everyone could turn against you.

Another theory suggests that some experiments were carried out with chicken eggs in laboratories that border on the limit of what is legal, in fact, the Russians themselves had already been experimenting in the area of incubation with the purpose of creating life, something that humanity haven't seen before. They wanted to be the first in everything and earn the respect of the rest of the world. The appearance of Chicken Ghost makes us think that there was human intervention, since he has the appearance of a bird and a human at the same time. In fact, Chicken Ghost could have grown like any other animal, and was born as a tiny being and over time has become more noticeable and disturbingly terrifying, which would explain why he has not been given the necessary attention. He would probably have been mistaken for the birth of a deformed bird.


  • He is as tall as an adult human.
  • He is only hostile to those who slaughter and eat poultry.
  • He frequently roams around chicken farms or egg factories.
  • He has the ability to make wounds like those left by a chicken's beak appear over a person's body. He is capable of doing this without being physically present, in addition to doing it while a person is asleep, making it so they don't feel the effects of the wounds until they wake up.
  • When he is present, chickens start to sing in unison, like a choir, and they will congregate on land in worship. It is unknown if he is the one who does this or if it comes from the chickens' volition.
  • Trevor said that he is "just doing his thing for the birds." Judging from this, he may be a symbol of justice and is generally neutral, hostile only to those who eat poultry, as stated before.
  • He has existed for so long humans have presumably forgot about his existence.



List is in Alphabetical Order. Characters colored Gold are Popular Characters. More will be added to the list soon.

A - D

Anxious DogsAvian GiantBaby BirdBellringerBig CharlieBody WormBonesworthBreaking NewsBridge WormCartoon CatChicken GhostCorpse AbominationCraigslist Monster (Craigsmeat)

E - H FencerFour More Found-Footage CreaturesFun for AllGiant PuppeteerGod Of RoadkillHokkaido Hands
I - L Laundry man.jpgLeviathanLil’ NuggetLong Horse
M - P Misty Guests 1-3Morning WalkersMr. BagMushroom CrabNumbered HumanoidsOne Thing, But with Many VoicesPrecursor of the First War
Q - S Quarantined FamilyRemain IndoorsScissorsSensory ProcessesSiren HeadStorm Cloud CreatureStorm Warning Entity
T Tendril GiantThe AngelThe Bird WatcherThe DoveThe Fetid KingThe GarbagerThe Giant with Red DotsThe God of BirdsThe LambThe Man In The Red RoomThe Man With The Upside-Down FaceThe MarionetteThe Misty GiantThe NeedleThe Nervous HouseguestThe Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening BladeThe Skunk QueenThe Smile RoomThe StrangerThe Tall VisitorsThe Wandering DoomThe Wandering FaithThe Woman on The BusThree Red StringsTree Head
V - Y WatchtowerWildfire Giants 1-8Your Friend