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Trevor Henderson Wiki
Trevor Henderson Wiki

Once Bonesworth (named after a once-popular phone game said to be key to summoning him) has latched onto "his favourite", he's almost impossible to get rid of. Only able to be seen by the person he is currently following, Bonesworth often brings insomnia and sickness.
~ Trevor Henderson, explaining Bonesworth's behavior.

Bonesworth is a mysterious skeletal creature made by Trevor Henderson.


Bonesworth depicts a decrepit skeletal entity with a round head not unlike a human skull, composed of somewhat thin and rectangular jaws split horizontally by the slit that is Bonesworth's mouth, which has been shown to be often toothless, although a precise picture shows it with small and crooked teeth[1]. The jaws connect to the entity's rotund occiput which is frontally pierced with two large and hollow eye-holes and a large opening in the middle which is intended to be the creature's "nose".

Interestingly enough, Bonesworth's head per se is split in two identical halves, and considering what's next, it is the frontal layer coating several identical layers which overlap on top of each other and are also able to split in half and crack open to reveal more layers. Theoretically, this could go on forever as Bonesworth was confirmed[2] to have infinite layers/skulls underneath its frontal skull.

The head connects to a small neck which can surprisingly support the disproportionately larger head size of Bonesworth. His neck is also linked lower to a strong and hollow rib cage with flat, symmetrical ribs. The rib cage has a narrow protrusion at the bottom which marks the end of the entity's body. Bonesworth possesses skeletal arms, each of them terminating at hands with an unidentified number of slender and fragile fingers.


Bonesworth is a mischievous creature with an as of yet unknown origin. Word of God states that this entity is a "good boy"[3], and does not have any malevolent intentions or morality, as he is relatively harmless[4], albeit clingy and "always there"[4]. Although, once Bonesworth has decided his "favorite"[5], he is almost impossible to get rid of.[6]

Despite being positive and benevolent, Bonesworth is still very likely to do several actions which aren't overall likable of him due to his mischievous nature, as mentioned before. Examples stated by Trevor include moving your ladder while you're climbing it[7], trapping you in the garage for several days[7], messing with your brake cables[7] or moving things around while you're out[4]. However, it is likely that Bonesworth only does this playfully and with no harmful intent, considering his overall personality.

Another unfavorable trait of Bonesworth is that he often - presumably unintentionally - brings insomnia and sickness[6]. The exact nature of this sickness remains undisclosed. It has not been stated whether this only applies to Bonesworth's favorites, or anyone that happens to be near Bonesworth as it wanders around. Contrast to the nature of this trait, another wholesome moral characteristic Bonesworth is known for is that he doesn't care what one says, as he is a good listener and only likes hearing another voice[8]. Interestingly enough, only those who are being followed by Bonesworth can see it.[6]

Bonesworth derives his name from a titular in-story mobile game[6] said to be key to summoning him. Although the wording implies that this hasn't been confirmed in-story, whether this signifies that Bonesworth is a being from another world, dimension or realm is unknown.


Bonesworth is apparently able to break laws of physics due to it possessing infinite layers which all overlap on top of each other. Theoretically, he would be able to make morse code[9] or generate noises with it if he wanted to. As mentioned before; Bonesworth is said to be able to be summoned via the titular mobile game. Bonesworth can also manipulate one's perspective to only have it be visible to whoever its currently following, as well as bring insomnia and illness to people.[6]



  • Bonesworth, when agitated or excited, has his skull open outwards with what appears to be infinite skulls being revealed.
  • It is absolutely safe to leave candy for Bonesworth, it'll be scattered all over the house later after he tries to eat it and it falls through his ribs and jaw bone.[10]
  • Quoting Trevor's response[11] to a question on Twitter, this is how Bonesworth's skull works, saying that the animation tribute to his cryptids made by David Romero illustrated it perfectly :
It's weird. He kind of has a skull with infinite layers that are constantly being split down the middle and shucked back, like the skin on an apple? He can also flare them out more violently. The animation that @CinemamindDavid did of my creatures illustrated it perfectly.

Reference List[]



List is in Alphabetical Order. Characters colored Gold are Popular Characters. More will be added to the list soon.

A - D

Anxious DogsAvian GiantBaby BirdBellringerBig CharlieBody WormBonesworthBreaking NewsBridge WormCartoon CatChicken GhostCorpse AbominationCraigslist Monster (Craigsmeat)

E - H FencerFour More Found-Footage CreaturesFun for AllGiant PuppeteerGod Of RoadkillHokkaido Hands
I - L Laundry man.jpgLeviathanLil’ NuggetLong Horse
M - P Misty Guests 1-3Morning WalkersMr. BagMushroom CrabNumbered HumanoidsOne Thing, But with Many VoicesPrecursor of the First War
Q - S Quarantined FamilyRemain IndoorsScissorsSensory ProcessesSiren HeadStorm Cloud CreatureStorm Warning Entity
T Tendril GiantThe AngelThe Bird WatcherThe DoveThe Fetid KingThe GarbagerThe Giant with Red DotsThe God of BirdsThe LambThe Man In The Red RoomThe Man With The Upside-Down FaceThe MarionetteThe Misty GiantThe NeedleThe Nervous HouseguestThe Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening BladeThe Skunk QueenThe Smile RoomThe StrangerThe Tall VisitorsThe Wandering DoomThe Wandering FaithThe Woman on The BusThree Red StringsTree Head
V - Y WatchtowerWildfire Giants 1-8Your Friend