Trevor Henderson Wiki

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Trevor Henderson Wiki

"Big Charlie" escapes from the meat processing plant.
~ Trevor Henderson

Big Charlie is a particularly strange one of Trevor Henderson's creations, partly because not much is known about it. He is also SCP-4158 by the SCP Foundation.


Big Charlie is a large mammal-like creature, it resembles some sort of cattle, yet, at the same time, it has a beak-like protrusion on the tip of its mouth. Its body is so skinny that that you can see its rib cage. It also has a thick dark mane that goes from its head to the back of the creature. Its eyes appear to be foggy, which might indicate that the creature is blind, though in most depictions he does have normal eyes. Its legs are very lengthy compared to its body and it seems as if its legs can barely support its weight. Big Charlie is around 20-30 feet tall.


According to Trevor Henderson's Tumblr post, it is said that he escaped a meat-processing plant. Meaning he is some sort of animal made out of meat possibly.


Trevor Henderson's Images[]


  • The pieces of meat that drops from Big Charlie turns into Lil Nugget, then becomes The Lamb or Void Nugget.
  • Though it might look like a scary creature, it is sometimes pretty harmless to humans.
  • Big Charlie was being hunted by humans for meat, but then escaped the facility. And is on the run for survival.
  • Big Charlie is also Proposed as SCP-4158. Trevor Henderson later confirmed that Big Charlie is an SCP. Proof is here.
  • Big Charlie was implied to be one of the weakest creatures. If not the weakest creature in the entire Mythos.
  • This is odd, due to Big Charlie being one of the members of what represents The Holy Trinity in the verse, this means that Big Charlie would be considerably powerful. Big Charlie may also have remains of the power it had when it was The Lamb.

List is in Alphabetical Order. Characters colored Gold are Popular Characters. More will be added to the list soon.

A - D

Anxious DogsAvian GiantBaby BirdBellringerBig CharlieBody WormBonesworthBreaking NewsBridge WormCartoon CatChicken GhostCorpse AbominationCraigslist Monster (Craigsmeat)

E - H FencerFour More Found-Footage CreaturesFun for AllGiant PuppeteerGod Of RoadkillHokkaido Hands
I - L Laundry man.jpgLeviathanLil’ NuggetLong Horse
M - P Misty Guests 1-3Morning WalkersMr. BagMushroom CrabNumbered HumanoidsOne Thing, But with Many VoicesPrecursor of the First War
Q - S Quarantined FamilyRemain IndoorsScissorsSensory ProcessesSiren HeadStorm Cloud CreatureStorm Warning Entity
T Tendril GiantThe AngelThe Bird WatcherThe DoveThe Fetid KingThe GarbagerThe Giant with Red DotsThe God of BirdsThe LambThe Man In The Red RoomThe Man With The Upside-Down FaceThe MarionetteThe Misty GiantThe NeedleThe Nervous HouseguestThe Sisters of the Ever-Sharpening BladeThe Skunk QueenThe Smile RoomThe StrangerThe Tall VisitorsThe Wandering DoomThe Wandering FaithThe Woman on The BusThree Red StringsTree Head
V - Y WatchtowerWildfire Giants 1-8Your Friend